Part of hypnosis is changing your thoughts, identifying the root cause of your insecurities and developing a willingness to change.
Allow yourself to feel everything you are feeling right now. Willingness permits you to take responsibility and gives you the courage to handle whatever comes your way. Developing resilience can help you create healthy coping strategies and reflect during changes, challenges, setbacks, disappointments, and failures. Pay attention not only to what you do and why but also to how you feel about it. Hypnosis can help you understand the reasons behind your self-consciousness and low self-esteem. It could be fear of rejection, being alone, a feeling of self-doubt, feeling overwhelmed, jealousy, procrastination, and obsessive thoughts. Change your mindset by focusing on one area and how you can approach that more positively. You need to understand the reasons behind your self-consciousness and low self-esteem.