A phobia is an extreme, overwhelming, debilitating and irrational reaction to specific triggers.
Research showed that hypnotherapy helps overcome phobias, particularly when combined with other therapeutic interventions, such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Imaginal Exposure.
Various hypnotherapy techniques can implement systemic desensitisation and reframe the initial moment of the fear, which allows you to live freely without irrational fears and phobia.
Hypnosis involves placing you in a state of deep relaxation to access your subconscious belief, thoughts and memories.
A traumatic event can sometimes bring an extreme or irrational fear, but most of the time results from an automatic response to a stimulus.
Hypnotherapy works by helping you recall the current undesired emotional response and examine the associated beliefs attached to the extreme or irrational fear.
Hypnosis can help you change unwanted thoughts and behaviours through suggestion and by increasing your self-awareness.
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